What is Kidney Transplantation?
Diabetes and hypertension are among the most common causes for kidney failure. Genetic disorders including polysystic kidney disease (PKD), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and lupus are causes for kidney failure. UI Health specializes in providing transplants to patients with kidney failure resulting from a variety of causes allowing you to live without dialysis and have a better quality of life.
In many cases, CKD is found through routine check-ups, bloodwork and urine analysis with a primary care provider or specialist. Other times, an acute event, such as a stroke, can lead to testing that reveals end stage kidney disease. Once end stage kidney failure is diagnosed, dialysis and kidney transplantation become treatment options. In monitored cases, kidney failure can be predicted and a preemptive living donor transplant can be done.
In most cases, your native, or your own kidneys, are not removed, but a new kidney is surgically implanted. The new kidney can come from a person who has passed away (deceased donor) or from a person who living (a living donor).
Many patients find having a kidney transplant a more favorable option than dialysis. After a successful kidney transplant, dialysis is not needed which can provide a better quality of life.
Jerry, kidney transplant recipient